Fashion Magazine

Olympic Fever

By Realgirlrunway @realgirlrunway
Olympic fever has hit our house.  The TV is on Olympic broadcasts every second we are home.  I look forward to every Olympic year.  I swam competitively on the local swim team as a kid but nothing close to Olympic caliber.  I love cheering for the USA and getting into the spirit.  It's contagious. Of course I had to throw in the fashion aspect of the games.  Olympic gear is everywhere.  I picked a few of my favorites.

Olympic Gear

Click on the pictures above for buying details.

It was hard to choose favorites but I love a fun t-shirt and these fit the bill.  I can cheer on Team USA in style. This jacket is fantastic. It's crazy expensive so this is just a wish list item.  It's the same jacket the athletes are wearing on the medal stand. The collection wouldn't be complete without jewelry.  Olympic pins are highly sought after collectibles and I really like the bracelets available.  Too many fun options to choose from. Those gorgeous earrings were created by a ADAMS fine jewelry in Newton, MA, specifically for gymnast Aly Raisman.  The jeweler promised Aly that if the ladies brought home the team gold he would create earrings for each of the members of the team. He's keeping his promise.
If you're like me and would love to be in London but can't, check out an insider view of the Olympics on Hilary Phelps' website.  Yes that Phelps.  Hilary is Michael's proud and accomplished (in her own right) older sister. She is posting photos and cool details from the Olympics.You can also follow her on twitter at @HilaryPhelps.
My posts the last couple weeks have been thin.  Since getting back from vacation life has been crazy. Work has been busy and then my car died.  It's fixable if I wanted to put almost $2,000 into it, but I've owned my car for many years (it's a 2000 Toyota Celica). It has 225,000 miles on it and I've put quite a bit of money into it over the last year.  We reluctantly decided it was time for a new car. {msL} just finished paying off her car and we would have been car payment free.  It wasn't an easy choice. Deciding what we wanted was the first order of business.  I really wanted a sports car (like the one I was giving up) but that's not the what we needed. We needed a four door, four seater car, with room for our pups.  After lots of research and debating we chose a Kia Soul. Then came the negotiations.  UGH!  After lots of stress, we got a great car, for a good price and I'm thrilled. Can you believe that I'm 44 and I've never owned a brand new car? I've always bought used. With the down economy, dealers are offering great incentives, prices, and interest rates.  New it is. I'm a bit giddy about the car and am happy with my decision.  Car payments here I come.

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