Family Magazine

Oh So Inappropriate … but a Little Bit Funny!

By Yourfamilysurvivalcoach @shari_brewer

Oh so inappropriate … but a little bit funny!
Before Baby Girl came alonng to bless our lives in the early days of 2010, the MOTH, it could be politely said, had very little experience with youngsters. Ummm, and almost none with babies as my boys were a fair bit older as were his neices and nephew. At age 46 when she was born, he was a complete Daddy novice.

This new parent-gig is hard for a new Mum or Dad of any age, but for an unsuspecting 46 year old blokey farmer-man, there have certainly been big changes to the way things are done and said these days.

There are though many moments of entertainment as I watch their relationship blossom. It’s so very darling … even if at times it is a little inappropriate. An example being the lessons MOTH is giving Baby Girl in ‘left’ and ‘right’. She now knows, and can repeat by rote, that “you hold your stubby in your right hand, and you scratch yourself with your left” …. complete with the associated actions that you can feel free not to visualise. She has even taken this lesson and shared it at daycare, along with declarations of yelling that her “bum is hanging out” if she has trousers slip from her waist.  It really is a treat and I wouldn’t change it for the world.

What hilarious  yet umm-ahhh moments have your kids learnt??

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