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Office 365 and Its Application in Enterprise

Posted on the 19 April 2013 by Yogeshvashist98 @YogeshVashist98
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Office 365, released in mid 2011 by Microsoft is a subscription service that allows access to different services and programs offered by Microsoft Office. The enterprise plan of the service targets SMEs with a modest employee base, not exceeding 50.

From a broad perspective, it looks ideal for not only setting up a business, but managing one as well. Office 365 offers a flexibility that would greatly serve a restaurant business. There would be a need to keep in constant touch with suppliers, marketers, and even customers themselves for feedback, and the features of Office 365 would enable that.

microsoft office 365

Office 365 and Business

The concern for good enterprise software is based on the need to have a versatile working solution that is not inhibited to the office. Office 365, an online service subscription that grants you access to Web Apps, Microsoft Office, and other business staples such as Exchange, Lync and SharePoint, is designed for enterprises. It’s an evolved solution that enables a more seamless management system. And with its obvious attractions, it would prove to be a good investment for any business.

How I Find the Use of Office 365 Beneficial to My Business?

My Endeavor to Establish My Business

Starting a business is a challenging endeavor. The entrepreneurial path is not necessarily the path less traveled. A colossal people try their hand at self-employment and fail to succeed. But this discouraging statistic has not stopped people from still trying to establish their own businesses. Owning an enterprise is a big responsibility, but one that rewards greatly. And it is with this that I endeavor to start my own restaurant business a year back.

Major Tasks I Have To Manage

Planning for such an endeavor takes a huge time and resource commitment. Acquiring the necessary assets needed for operation, getting suppliers of the organic ingredients, hiring a professional diverse team of chefs, attendants and accountants, securing an ideal location and transforming it with the ideal décor styles are some of the important tasks that need to be undertaken, not to mention the search for financing.

Additionally, there is the website part that requires a team of designers to put together. Ideally, the website would offer different healthy recipes, offer insightful tips on weight loss, discuss the pros and cons of different fitness programs, and also profile those people who have found success in their fitness journeys of weight loss, or muscle gain to offer inspiration.

The one thing that remains constant is the need to harmonize all these tasks to make management easier. Office software is necessary to be able to separate and individually undertake these tasks. The stand-alone Microsoft Office package, while ideal, feels a little underpowered to offer the kind of IT solutions that would be needed to run such kind of a business. Office 365, as I have uncovered is not.

How Would I Use Office 365 for My Enterprise?

My documents would follow me wherever I went. With Office 365, I would be able to sign off on product deliveries as soon as I receive

microsoft office 365
them, and share them through SharePoint with the suppliers in real time. This would eliminate any inconsistencies in our data.

For starters it would provide Office desktop applications without the need for an installation. This would make it easier to manage all documents on the go, as all I would need is internet connectivity to access said applications through a browser. Since life has already availed powerful mobile devices, such as tablets, office work would not be limited to the PCs.

What Benefits Can I Enjoy Using Office 365?

–> Office 365 would greatly enhance interaction with suppliers, as well as professionals in the fitness industry who would desire to make contributions to the website.

–> It enables IM and Skype, so video call interviews with fitness athletes and enthusiasts would be effortless.

–> Likewise, I would be able to web conference with investors, and even employees when am not in the office.

–> With the generous 7GB + 20GB of personal storage offered, I would catalog all photos received to feature on the website.

–> Keeping on track with the financial performance of the business would be easy with Office 365, as the accounting personnel would easily share the documents with me, which I would edit in real time.

–> As Office 365 offers a cloud service, I would not lose any data, if I lost my working computers, or tablets.

The Best Is Yet To Come!

–> The greatest incentive to use Office 365 would perhaps be the cost savings.

–> Accessing such a variety of features through a subscription service saves the money that would have otherwise been used in acquiring the software and the licenses.

–> Additionally, uptime is guaranteed, so I will always be able to access any relevant documents or apps.

–> The continuous support offered by Microsoft would save me from any progress-inhibiting IT issues.

How Office 365 Can Help You In Your Business?

The challenge of starting a new business is admittedly weighing in, but with Office 365 you can reserve some confidence that all the formalities of this process will be taken care of.

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