Yahoo reports that a Japanese corporation is toying with the idea of covering the moon with a ring of solar panels called “Luna Ring” and then beaming the renewable energy back to Earth via lasers and microwaves.
3 Comments We Might Expect If This Happens In The Future
1. “Aww, man, I didn’t ask for free laser eye surgery again today! All this awesome vision creeps me out now that I can see those Amazon drones approaching from 2,000 miles away.”
2. “Oh, great, instead of delivering me delicious gourmet popcorn kernels from Amazon, that Amazon drone delivered me fully popped popcorn after flying through the microwaves! And some of the kernels are unpopped, while others are burnt! They can put a Luna Ring on the moon, and humankind still can’t master popcorn!”
3. “Yes, history class, putting solar panels on the moon once seemed like a good idea, until we realized we had to put solar panels on the Earth to receive the moon’s energy, and then we realized we could have just skipped the middleman and put the solar panels on the Earth in the first place. And that’s how one giant ad for Playstation wound up on the moon.”