Event: Geopub October meetup
Date: Thursday, October 18th - 4:00pm – 6:00pm
Venue Location: Railway Club - 579 Dunsmuir Street, Vancouver British Columbia
“Catch up on some “goss”, have a few drinks, talk technical, reminisce, solve the problems of the world, or generally socialise.”
Each Geopub event includes a guest speaker and this month they are pleased to have Lyn Anglin, Ph.D., P.Geo. who is the Director, President and CEO of Geoscience BC who will provide an overview presentation of Geoscience BC.
Geopub is looking for mining industry speakers to present their expertise in the industry at future events and are especially interested in GIS experts and any emerging trends that support the exploration and mining industry.
RSVP by October 16th (to bphipps @ micromine.com) are appreciated however drop-ins are still encouraged.Drink tickets & appetizers are provided by MICROMINE (major sponsor of this event).
For more information about geopub you can check out their group on LinkedIn http://www.linkedin.com/groups/Geopub-4546090, their twitter https://twitter.com/Geopub_global, the email above or contact us.