Fashion Magazine

October Book Haul

By Bethtinkerbell @TinksLostGirls


I popped into my local Waterstones a couple of weeks ago, and they had a massive sale on. The shelves at the back of the store were filled with books at £1 or £3, and so obviously I couldn’t resist having a rummage through them.

I did find that quite a few of the books were damaged, which must be the reason they were in the sale but I found a couple of Leo Tolstoy books that I had to pick up as they were both £1 each! Both of them are in great condition, and so I can’t understand why they were only £1, but I’m not complaining at all. I have no idea when I’ll get round to reading them as they’re pretty hefty books though they’ll look nice sat in my book cupboard.

October Book Haul

I also ordered The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry from Amazon for £3.85. I bought it as my book club have chosen in for the November book. I’m going to try and give it a read but I’m not sure i’ll get to the book club meeting as I’ve got quite a few assignments to do. I’m also not that keen on reading it, I’m not sure why but it has never appealed to me, yet I’ve heard good things about it.

Beth x

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