Like last year, I booked an appointment to see the Tonner booth at New York Toy Fair. They usually have a modest sized booth with an orderly display of both past and future releases. There were some pretty awesome dolls on display this year.
But first, let’s start with the disappointing news. There was no Maudlynne Macabre on display. If you recall, last year, packaged Maudlynne’s were on display in a corner of the room; The plan being that they’d try to work her back into the Tonner line sometime in 2015. That didn’t happen. When I didn’t see her on display this year, I asked Mr. Tonner what was going on with her, because I know that many of you (myself included) are fans. Unfortunately, there’s nothing to report. There are no plans to re-release our favorite gothic doll or her ghostly friend. That being said, he didn’t say it was off the table and I left feeling hopeful that maybe one day we’d see her again.

Now on a more positive note, there were some things I know you’ll want to see from the Tonner booth. Let’s start off with my favorite thing in the booth- Agatha Primrose. This new line looks very different from Tonner’s usual fair. Robert Tonner himself said it was a departure from what he has designed in the past and was very enthusiastic about this ‘adorkable’ line.

There are a few things I love about this line. First, the size! She’s shorter than Tonner’s typical fashion doll with a more teenage body. Second, Agatha is articulated. And third? The glasses. I love the round Harry Potter/Daria-esc glasses! The fashions are very cool, as well. Check them out below!

Below is the basic Agatha Primrose, for those who want to save a few pennies. (I wanted so badly to fix this dolls glasses!)

While many of the items for My Imagination were on display last year, new for this year is a dark-skinned basic doll. She’ll come in two skin tones.

I asked about the jointed dolls. They’re still in the works, but delayed. There were a few new licensed outfits on display, but we weren’t allowed to photograph them. There’s definitely one or two that I think are very cool!

As far as Deja Vu is concerned, I’m not crazy about all of them. The story is intriguing– a girl begins to remember her past lives. This means Tonner can do literally anything they want with the line.

Their faces are just, to me, strange. I think the expression works for the 1920’s era doll and there’s something pretty neat about the Egyptian couple, but I don’t know what I think of the rest. The costumes are, of course, spectacular. So much detail!
Also worth talking about is the new Wilde Imagination line based in the world of fairy tales that stars the mayor of a fairy tale town. Her wardrobe is fantastical and full of life. I regret, I neglected to take note of the name of this line, but I’m sure we’ll be seeing an e-mail blast on it soon. Take a peek!

Below are my favorite looks. I’d love to cosplay in the purple dress!

Last but not least, a Lost Costume Scarlett was on display. Tonner excels at Gone with the Wind products and this is no exception. Scarlett wears a very pretty green party dress. The design isn’t seen in the movie, however. It is based on an early sketch from the BBQ scene in Gone with the Wind. In the end, Scarlett wore a different dress and this was left on the cutting room floor– until now.

DeDe Denton and Patience were also on display. You can see photos in my flickr album. Tonner is usually really good about updating collectors on new products via their website and social media. They also welcome discussion on any kind of doll on Tuesdays at 8PM CST on Twitter using the tag #dollchat. I pop in from time to time under the twitter handle @KewpieDoll83.
See everything in the Tonner booth in this video tour, hosted by Mr. Tonner himself!
What are your favorites from the Tonner booth? Share them with us in the comment area!
February 21, 2016. Tags: NYTF2016, tonner. Toy Fair 2016, Uncategorized.