I never bothered the first time round but now with having a 3 year old, I still need to make sure she is fed well every night (and not living off takeaways!) so I felt I had to try and be more organised. I must admit, I haven't done as much as I would have liked as I just hasn't found the time or energy, maybe I should have started sooner before the exhaustion of the last few weeks set in!
I still thought I'd share what I have done though as a few people seemed interested on Instagram so here we go!
Protein pancakes x 4 batches (using this recipe)
Dinners/Main meals.. Sweet potato cottage pie x 2 (recipe is my own but is so similar to this one)
Lasagne x2
Bolognese (just the meat) x1
Sausage & spinach pasta x2 (this & the bolognese was just leftover from dinner one night so I froze the leftovers! Much easier than cooking from scratch in the day!)
Wholemeal cheese scones (I used Claire's recipe but used wholemeal flour & dairy free substitutes)
Zucchini & pasta slice (used this recipe)
Blueberry muffins (again using Claire's recipe but subbed the chocolate chips for blueberries)
Granola bars (using domestic geek recipe)
Chocolate chia cookies (deliciously ella recipe)
To freeze them, I have used some foil trays with lids from Aldi and also old takeaway pots I had in the cupboard. For things like muffins and cookies, I have just bagged them up in freezer bags to save on room as the trays do take up a lot of space.
I get most of my recipes and ideas from Pinterest, I have a board on Freezer/make ahead meals, see below and make sure to follow me.
Follow Kerry's board freezer meals on Pinterest.
What freezer meals do you love?
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