As Nutella turns 50, I decided to make a cake as a tribute to Nutella. This cake is the most tasteful cake I have ever eaten. 8 layers of cake, Nutella, heavy cream and hazelnut cream assembles an extraordinary cake for any occasion. I have bought the cake layers which are thin and equal but I will write down the recipe for them. I can imagine some honey in cake but the recipe doesn’t have it.

Here’s the recipe for 8 layers of the cake
- 1 tbsp of butter
- 2 egg yolks
- 1 egg
- 2 cups of milk
- 1 tsp of baking powder
- 2 tbsp of sugar
- flour as needed

Method for 8 cake layers
Divide this dough into 8 equal dough balls and roll them out one by one and bake in the oven on the back of the pan. I must say that this procedure is a little bit hard but if you have time don’t hesitate to try.
Ingredients for the hazelnut cream
- 3 cups of milk
- 2 vanilla pudding powders
- 6 tbsp of sugar

- 3 tbsp of butter
- 3 tbsp of powdered sugar
- toasted and milled hazelnuts – as much as you’d like
Method for hazelnut cream
Cook the pudding in milk with sugar and cool it down by stirring it. Mix the butter with powdered sugar until it’s fluffy and light. Add the hazelnuts and the cold pudding a mix until the batter gets creamy and soft.

How to assemble the cake
Don’t forget to prepare 2 cups of heavy cream beaten until it get’s firm! Take the first cake and cream it with Nutella, put the second cake on it. Cream the second cake with hazelnut cream, then comes one more cake which will be creamed with heavy cream and do all this until you have ingredients. I have decorated the cake with chocolate ganache but you can use your imagination and decorate it as you’d like.
This cake has to stay in the refrigerator for at least 24 hours before cutting it. These cakes need some time to become softer.