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Now Search for Homes by Neighborhood

By Homesmsp @HomesMSP

You can now search the MLS by Minneapolis neighborhoods and St. Paul neighborhoods, as well as by city and school district. You can simply enter the name of the neighborhood you are seeking into the property search. We are finding that clients know more and more the specific neighborhoods where they want buy. In the past we have had to draw neighborhood outlines on the search map... no more, now we can just pick the specific neighborhoods.

The search above for the Bryn Mawr neighborhood is a great example of how much easier this is from the old MLS area system. Bryn Mawr is divided by I-394 which makes it more difficult to search... but it was a small corner of the old Calhoun-Isles district, which also made it difficult to target. No longer... neighborhood searches will give buyers much more specific seach area options.

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