According to Britain’s Daily Mail, Nokia is in a very difficult financial situation with the lowest share price in the last 15 years and releasing 10,000 employees and on the U.S. market after only 12 weeks of sales its best smart phone Lumia 900 will sell for 50% less than current prices, to try and save his disastrously poor sales.
Therefore the new price for Lumia 900 in U.S. stores telecommunications company AT & T will be $ 49.99 (with the signing of a two-year contract), unlike the previous which was $ 100. This news was confirmed on Sunday by Keith Nowak, a spokesman for the Finnish company, once the most powerful mobile phone manufacturers in the world.
This shows that the triumphant return of Nokia smart phone which picked up numerous awards, including the CES’s best mobile device apparently still will not be anything regardless of the support of Microsoft.
Although many experts say Lumia 900 is cheaper than the iPhone and easier to use than Android phones, U.S. users are very reluctant to Nokia’s “flagship” and also did not help her with opportunity to work with Microsoft Office documents, as well as the integration of Xbox games.
In official statements Nokia seeks to mitigate the negative financial results and states that “these cuts are part of plans to significantly reduce operating costs to enable profitable growth strategy of focusing and improving the operational model.”
In addition, Nokia said it remains focused on their smart phones and wants to expand the LBS market which will increase its product portfolio including applications for navigation and visual search, such as the Nokia City Lens.
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