Family Magazine

No Your Not Spending That Much On A Football

By Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum
nik 004 No Your Not Spending That Much On A Football

Posing In His New Chinos

So the 10 year old birthday boy had £105 to spend. He wanted to go into town and already had a list a mile long of what he was going to buy. His money wasn’t going to cover it all.

He desperately needed a new pair of trainers considering the last pair I bought was only last month, not cheap crap neither, a £35 pair from Clarks, but look as if they came from a rubbish bin. I have no idea how he manages to go through so many pairs.

So I thought since he needed some and he had the money for them, he could buy himself a pair.

OK so yes I normally buy their shoes, but he did have more money than me today.

I did let him choose his own, with the added persuasion of “Oh these are nice and will go with your new trackies”.

In other words I choose them and made him agree.

The one thing he did want was a football.

But the one he wanted was £16

£16 for a flipping ball that would be left out in the garden overnight and kicked around in the mud. There were some for £3.99 what was wrong with them?

Apparently the name on it.

The name?

Who cares what brand name a flaming football has; they all do the same thing don’t they?

So I bribed him with the chinos I knew he wanted, told him that Primark had every color imaginable and if he bought the football he wouldn’t be able to afford those.

Thankfully he’s not very good at Math and agreed the chinos were what at the top of his list.

I think I did well; he could have 2 pairs of chinos or the football.

Off we went to Primark and spent the remaining £70 he had. He got loads and soon forgot about the football.

That was until we got home and the husband asks;

“Thought you wanted a football?”

“Mum said they were a waste of money” 10 year old tells him

So the husband shakes his head.

Later the husband does not forget about the football and asks why I didn’t let him buy the one he wanted, I explain diplomatically.

I don’t care that it was his own money; I am teaching him the art of reasoning and compromise.

He wouldn’t have 2 pairs of extra chinos if he had got the football would he?

I don’t care that we already bought 4 pairs of chinos and the extra 2 were not exactly needed.

I think we bought sensibly.

What do you think, was I a mean mom not to let him spend £16 on his football?

 No Your Not Spending That Much On A Football

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