Strong AMBITION-no
As the year comes to a close I know many of us are going to do what we normally do, have a ball, and set the ever pesky new years resolution!! Shiners can I stop you from doing this task?? I beg of you NOT to do it. Let me explain......How many times have we done this?? Each year we set out to do something ONLY when the new year comes around and we do it for a little while but then we are right back to square one.
How many times have we done this and kept at it?? For me NONE! This is why I can speak so frankly about it. Well Shiners if you know me you all know I am about to change the game!! I say No to
I look at resolution as being negative and we know im NOT about any of that, but to have AMBITION is great! This year I want us to have a strong ambition instead of going after something-anything in this up coming year with closed eyes! Lets set reasonable goals so that when we reach them we will feel that much needed positivity to keep us going. No that is not a resolution its AMBITION!
If one wants to lose weight start off small something small like 5lbs in a month. Don't start out saying I want to lose 50lbs. Every time you step on the scale it will look as if its not moving. If your thing is to stop smoking, don't stop cold turkey, stopping cold turkey will have a negative impact, instead smoke one less cigarette a day until your smoking less. See with AMBITION anything is obtainable.
I want all Shiners to think different and have AMBITION to reach that goal that you have been grabbing for. I want for 2012 to be full of joy, laughter, smiles, positivity, and reasonable goal reaching ambition! So I say DOWN with the New Years
So What do you say Shiners?? Lets not lose our zeal lets add tons of AMBITION lets not be afraid of heights and lets take the new year for a grand ride on AMBITION!
Here is to letting our AMBITION #ShineBright!