Lifestyle Magazine

No Hassle Tassels

By Raymondleejewelers @raymondleejwlrs

Last spring/early summer, the fabric accessory du jour was the pom pom. It was all about the pom! See here, here and here. And pom poms are fun, I say this with the inimitable experience of a former cheerleader.  But you know what’s even more fun? TASSELS! That’s right, you can tie them on drawer handles, trim Ikea curtains with them so they look super fancy, they’re a hell of a lot easier to make yourself, and they often come in leather. I’m a big fan. And this spring, there’s no hotter way to wear the tassel trend than on yo’ jewelry. It all started, as a jewelry trend blog post is wont to do, with a Tumblr post:

Lapis Tassel Necklace

via Shopbop

Of course this is sold out. It’s sterling and lapis (with a  gold plate) by designer Chan Luu. Luckily, Luu has several other tassel necklaces on Shopbop, proving you’ve got plenty of options. You can go the luxe route and channel a little Art Deco with options from Tiffany, or you can click through practically every costume jewelry online shop to find a fun, no-hassle tassel. Join me.

Coral Tassel necklace

via Furbish

This awesome wood bead tassel necklace is from Furbish, and is pleasantly priced at $28. It comes in a variety of bright colors, with decreasing odds of being in stock. Go,shop,now.

Mint tassel necklace

via Liza’s Little Things on Etsy

Alternatively, Etsy Shop Liza’s Little Things has oodles of tassel necklaces in every color combination you could desire. Also $28.

Tassel Bracelets by Dannon on Etsy

via dAnnonEtsy

And if you don’t want to limit your tasselfying to necklaces, Etsy shop cannon Etsy’s got you covered in the bracelet department.

Tiffany Fringe Necklace

via Raymond Lee Jewelers

And if you prefer your tassels to be a more abstract, flatter interpretation, consider this Tiffany pendant. I might be stretching – it’s more fringe than tassel if we’re getting specific – but it’s perfect for those whose tastes don’t skew quite so boho. Also available: the matching earrings.

Tiffany Fringe Earrings

via RLJ

Would you rock out with the tassel trend this spring? If this jewelry can’t convince you, I don’t know what can – but in case you need more persuading, allow me to direct your attention to some more tasseled goodness. So don’t be hassled – time to don a tassel. I’ll leave you with that precious rhyme.

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