Food & Drink Magazine

No Bake Mushroom and Spinach Pasta

By Sukarah @sukarahblog

There is a major shortage in this blog when it comes to savory dishes to the point that I fear you all think that cake is all we have for dinner. Well, ok, that might be true some nights, but rest assured that I do cook for my kids. I know you probably assume they are surviving on a diet of cakes and cupcakes but that is not always the case.

We hardly ever do take outs in our house. Partly because I was raised like that, and partly because takeout food sucks! What this means it that I have to make meals almost every day. Else we will be literally having one of my cakes for dinner. My definition of a decent meal is one that doesn’t take hours of labor to put together. Although I have no problem being in the kitchen for hours decorating a cake, I am simply not willing to work as hard for a dinner. Dessert is an art, whereas dinner is a must.

So its safe to say that you wont see me making any stuffed cabbages or vine leave anytime soon. Am just too lazy to do that. Plus, I can find a lot of things to do with the three hours required to make these plates. I usually reserve any craving I have for these foods and ask my mother or mother in law to make them. (this is where am a working mom excuse comes in handy)

Anyway, what do I do on lazy days? I make pasta. Pasta is not the easiest food to make, it also procalimed as the world’s favorite food. Everyone loves pasta. I can honestly say I have not met a person who doesn’t love it. The best thing about pasta is that you can make with almost any ingredients you have in your pantry, tomato, olives, zucchini, and it will still be a delicious and edible meal. Whether you decide to bake it, sauté it or just boil the pasta, it is still an edible meal. Not a lot of food can fall into that category.


This pasta dish is a simple dish I make whenever am in a hurry or simply not in the mood to cook. You know, those days when you come back from work, hungry, tired, and just not in the mood to do anything let alone cook a decent meal. And then as you enter the house, you realize there are three other mouths in the house that must fed! I usually make easy and fast pasta dishes. Such as this one.

The best part is that spinach is not cooked. Not only does this mean less cleaning, it also means they retain their nutritional value. There is also no sautéing to garlic or mushrooms or anything. Just cook the pasta, mix everything else in, refrigerate for at least 20 minutes. By the end on 20 minutes, you will have yourself and your family a quick and healthy decent meal.

Print Mushroom, Spinach and Basil Pasta

Prep Time: 20 minutes

Cook Time: 20 minutes

Total Time: 40 minutes

Yield: 4 cups cooked pasta

1 cup cooked pasta per person, serves 4


  • • 1 box (500g) fusilli pasta
  • • 1/2 cup fresh mushrooms, peeled
  • • 1 1/4 cup (200 g) fresh spinach, washed
  • • 3 sprigs fresh basil, stems removed
  • • 3 tbsp olive oil
  • • 4 tbsp lemon juice
  • • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • • 1 tsp salt
  • • 1/8 teaspoon pepper


  1. Cook the fusilli pasta according to package directions. Drain well.
  2. Meanwhile, in a small mixing bowl, mix together the olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, salt and pepper.
  3. After the pasta is drained, place the pasta in a large bowl. Add the mushrooms, spinach and basil leaves, and then add the dressing.
  4. Toss together all the ingredients gently, to avoid breaking the pasta.
  5. Refrigerate for one hour, or at least 20 minutes.
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Do you love pasta? Or are you the only living person who does not? What do you cook on lazy days? Any suggestions to make this easy plate even easier? I’d love to hear from you.

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