Lifestyle Magazine

No. 10: Me? A Movie Star?

By Claire

Days to go: 52

We weren’t going to have a wedding video made – originally we were happy with the thought of what memories we’d recall from looking through our photo album every now and then. It was my dad who persuaded us to have a video made, as things like that didn’t exist in his day, and he wanted to take full advantage of his daughter having a modern wedding!

The only problem was, and this probably contributed to us not wanting a video made in the first place, is that most wedding videos we had seen were so sickeningly cheesy, over-indulgent and disgustingly-sweet, and we really didn’t feel that it was for us.

”No amount of throw-up-worthy video footage is going to defeat me!’ I thought. So, one Saturday, I spent almost the whole day trying to find the right videographer for us – and when I couldn’t find him or her anywhere, I was becoming more and more upset at the idea of disappointing my dad and not having a video made.

I decided to put a little plea out on Twitter to see what suggestions people may have – if any! And good old Twitter came up trumps. Vicky from Bride and Chic (who is also based in South Manchester like myself) let me know of a local guy who’d made her video for her. When I visited his website, what I saw blew. me. away. I spent the next hour or so looking at every one of his videos, just to make sure that Vicky’s beautiful video wasn’t a one-off. I couldn’t believe how perfect for me and Richard every video was – and not one made me feel physically sick! HOORAY! I quickly made an enquiry about our date to see if he was free – and it was confirmed!

Jeff Wood is owner of Jeff Wood Visuals and he is a wedding cinematographer with a difference. His films are non-chronological and beautifully, tastefully and originally shot. Richard and I met up with him last Saturday so he could get to know us a little bit and figure out exactly how to make the best wedding video for us.

One of the questions on his booking form asks what song in particular we would like featured on our video. (I’m not going to tell you what it is yet…) When Jeff read this he was so excited – he said he’d always wanted to use this song and was so pleased that he could save it for us. It was so lovely to have Jeff so excited to be involved in our wedding!

When we mentioned the wedding revolved around the music and bands we were having, and especially that the string quartet are playing a version of our first dance song (and the song we wanted featured on the video), Jeff was even more excited. “I have to be able to record this before the wedding ceremony,” he said, “I’m going to be really proud of your video and I want to make it the best for you I possibly can.” And then we got talking about all sorts of logistical nightmares that recording music involved without a second cameraperson/soundperson…

So to make it absolutely perfect for us – and it really is going to be stunning, I know it – we decided to opt for a second camera operator (to get those alternative shots!) who can also take care of recording all of the sound so that it can be properly featured on the finished product. I am so pleased! The music we choose to celebrate our day to will live on in our video, and in our memories that I’m sure will come flooding back when we watch it in years to come.

And what’s more, Jeff had his experimental head on last Saturday and started talking about pre-wedding videos. He’s never made one before, and has offered to do us one for free to try it out! We’re still pretty stuck for ideas at the moment (I’ve got one idea that involves us talking about and thanking each individual guest which would be played at the reception – just in case we don’t get to speak to everyone, but I think it may end up being a very long video) but I think this one is hilarious.

So, readers – we need your ideas for a pre-wedding video. They need to be:

1. Hilarious

2. Original

3. Ridiculous

4. Not about how much we love each other

5. Maybe to do with music but that doesn’t involve any miming to love songs that will make me throw up

Now I give you permission to go swoon over Jeff’s videos. Go on, you know you want to.


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