I have a polish to share with you today that isn't something I would pick up on my own. My sister-in-law got be NOPI's It's Possible! and said that she was feeding my addiction, lol. It's Possible! is a metallic rose. It has a pretty good formula, but like many metallics is very "brush-strokey." It is opaque in two coats though and dries very quickly. Here I used no base or top coat.
Artificial Light
Artificial Light
Artificial Light
Natural Light
Natural Light
Because metallic polish isn't my favorite finish, I didn't think I would like this polish, but I thought it was really pretty. It's definitely a safe color and not very exciting, but I could see myself wearing it in the future. Definitely with a glitter accent or two though ;0).What do you guys think of It's Possible!? Do you like metallic polishes?