Nicki Minaj for OPI minis
Top to bottom:Did It On EmFlyPink FridaySave MeI love a product hype as much as the next blogger, and when I saw this mini set come up on Buyapowa the first time I ran at the chance but stupid iPhone signal got in the way of me and these four littles beauties and by the time I had good signal they had all sold! Boo! Buyapowa reassured me there would be more for sale soon, but I just couldn't wait, so set about searching eBay for the best price without being fakes, I finally found a trusted seller, that was basically giving away they set at £9.99 including postage! I snapped it up instantly and as I bought before 4pm it arrived on my door step the very next morning! I have worn them alone and together and totally loving them at the moment, until the next hyped product comes along that is!Do you like the look or Nicki Minajs' set? Have you purchased or planned on purchasing it? What's your favourite? Let me know!- TWITTER - FACEBOOK - TUMBLR - BLOGLOVIN' - LOOKBOOK -"believe in yourself"