Fashion Magazine

New Years Resolutions.

By Georgina_clare_ @Georgina_Clare_
New Years Resolutions.
Although we have made a start to the new year and many bloggers have already posted about new years resolutions, I may or may not have forgotten all about it and only just realised now. Oh well, better late then never right?
So for the new year I have set myself three resolutions to complete before the end of the year. These are:
  • Write a blog post everyday, apart from days were I am out (e.g. holidays and sleepovers) - I think writing most days if not everyday is a great way to improve not only your writing but also your passion and audience. Although last year I was pleased with 16,000 views and 110 followers, I would love to extend to greater figures.
  • Take better care of myself - rather oddly I never really was that interested in 'looking after myself'. I am quite lazy when it comes to skincare and make-up on myself. Very into it for others but never really myself. Getting beauty sleep and drinking plenty of water is also part of this resolution.
  • Be more efficient with homework - by getting homework out of the way ASAP, I can pay extra attention to the things I love like my blog.
What are your resolutions this year? 

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