Arts & Crafts Magazine

New Year's Resolutions

By Katieemay @katieemay1

New Year's Resolutions

Image from WeHeartIt

Every year I make resolutions and most of the time, I forget about them or think, oh well I'll do it later and later never comes. I think the main reason  always fail at my resolutions is because I never write them down so I start to forget about them. My theory is that if I tell you lovely people through the internet, I will feel obliged to do them otherwise I'll be letting you all down even if they won't impact you in any way possible (well, one of them might but still...)
So, my resolutions are...
1. Be more organised
With A Level exams coming up and then *hopefully* uni in September, it's time to get my act together and not be as lazy. I've already stated my cleaning my desk and wardrobe and I now have a diary which I take with me and I plan my time.
2. Blog more
I love blogging and I'm quite proud of the amount I've blogged over the past year but I know I can do more and the amount of posts which I don't get round to writing is bad. I want to concentrate on creating quality content for you lovely people instead of some of the rubbish I have been posting!
3. Be healthy
One thing I don't need to do is loose weight however i do need to be healthier. I'm not joining a gym or anything (mainly because I'm not well enough) but I need to start eating a lot healthier! So the resolution is to eat more fruit and veg and go on more dog walks because that is exersize but not as intense as going to the gym. I'm also going to try and go back to my dance lessons more regularly.
4. Worry less
I worry. A lot. And my illness is made worse by worrying so I need to cut down! I don't actually know how to stop worrying so any tips would be brilliant!
5. Take a photo a day
This was my resolution last year and I made it half way through March so I didn't do very well. But I'm going to try again. I'm taking part in the #fmsphotoaday which you can find over on the blog FatMumSlim and will be posting daily on instagram so go and follow me on there at @katieemay1. My mom is also doing the challenge so we're going to be motivting each other to do them so go and follow my mom on instagram @karenmchessie
6. Be more outgoing
I have a habit of just staying at home and watching box sets. As much as I enjoy it I feel like I miss out on stuff. Admitidly, sometimes I don't go and do things because I'm not feeling well enough but sometimes I just can't be bothered and use the 'I'm not feeling to good' excuse and in turn, I miss out on stuff. So, the resolution is to say yes to more things because I don't want to regret not doing things!
So there are my resolutions! What are your resolutions and how are you planning on keeping them? 
New Year's Resolutions
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