The blog has enabled me to share my passion for horticulture and meet like minded people who have become friends over the years. It's helped me through my RHS exams, enabling me to connect with people at a similar stage of study or those far more educated in the subject than myself and it also helped me to set up a second career writing for publications and other businesses. Over the years I've also been lucky enough to find site sponsors and host competitions for my readers, which are always very enjoyable and I know a few people loved these too.
Over the past couple of years the blog has been neglected due to relocation from Wales to England and finding myself in temporary accommodation without a garden. Most recently, the blog has fallen by the wayside what with me finally setting up my smallholding and as a result I've taken the decision to close this blog and start a new chapter over at: www.nagsheadfarmstaffs.com. This year I'll be creating a brand new and much larger garden so please do come and follow my progress on the new blog.
I'd be incredibly grateful if you would tag along and carry on the conversation on Twitter and Facebook too. You can reach me on twitter by searching for: @nagsheadfarmstaffs and search for Nags Head Farm on Facebook to follow my page there.