Lifestyle Magazine

New Sponsor Welcome: Wrapor Bridal Shrugs

By Claire

Intro­duc­ing the fab­u­lous Wrapor bridal shrugs

A per­fect addi­tion to my select group of top qual­ity spon­sors, today I’d like you to wel­come the lovely Kay from Wrapor as the lat­est spon­sor of Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog. Because Kay is a genius and her bridal shrugs and boleros are a revelation!

Wrapor bridal shrugs and boleros, made in the UK

Do you have your shoul­ders cov­ered? If you’re con­scious of your arms then look no fur­ther: Wrapor are the per­fect solu­tion for your wed­ding day. Wrapor design unique boleros and shrugs for brides. Their inge­nious designs are made to match or com­pli­ment your wed­ding gown. They offer a lit­tle cover with­out hid­ing detail on your dress.

Wrapor bridal shrug on English Wedding Blog (5)

Bridal shrug made in the UK by Wrapor

Wrapor bridal shrug on English Wedding Blog (1)

Bridal shrug made in the UK by Wrapor

Wrapor bridal shrug on English Wedding Blog (3)

Bridal shrug made in the UK by Wrapor

Wrapor bridal shrug on English Wedding Blog (4)

Bridal shrug made in the UK by Wrapor

Wrapor bridal shrugs end of sea­son sale!

I’m delighted to tell you that Wrapor are hav­ing their end of sea­son sale for next month  only.

Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog has an exclu­sive dis­count code — ewsept - which enti­tles you lovely blog-reading brides to £15 off all of bridal shrugs and boleros — the entire Wrapor range — in Sept only. They offer free 21 day postage too!

The offer is avail­able in Sep­tem­ber 2012.

Find out all about Wrapor, see more pho­tos and get to know designer Kay on Wrapor’s Eng­lish Wed­ding Show­case page.

  • Wrapor’s offi­cial UK web­site
  • Lat­est news from Wrapor
  • for pho­tos and exclu­sive spe­cial offers
  • Fol­low Kay on twit­ter: @WraporKay

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