Lifestyle Magazine

New Sponsor Welcome! Bespoke Wedding Invitations by Artemis Stationery

By Claire

Bespoke wed­ding sta­tionery designed and made in England

Artemis Sta­tionery hand makes bespoke wed­ding sta­tionery and invi­ta­tions for wed­dings and other occa­sions. Mak­ing every­thing from mag­netic Save the Dates to book­let invi­ta­tions to table plans and every­thing in between. Based in Som­er­set they sell sta­tionery all over the UK and beyond.

bespoke wedding stationery by Artemis Stationery Somerset

Bespoke wed­ding invi­ta­tion by Artemis Sta­tionery on Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog

Designer Nathan Gar­diner is the cre­ative force behind Artemis Sta­tionery — and you’ll have seen him around before I’m sure — Nathan’s com­ments on Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog fea­tures over the last few months always make me smile. He’s already part of the team here and I’m delighted to wel­come Nathan and Artemis Sta­tionery as a new spon­sor of Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog today.

Nathan told me how much he enjoys mak­ing sta­tionery that’s unique and spe­cial and loved by his clients. Every item is hand­made and bespoke to each cus­tomer. All of his bespoke wed­ding invi­ta­tions are orig­i­nal and any ele­ment can be altered: colours, fonts, word­ing, any­thing! Artemis Sta­tionery do this by work­ing from a base design and then email­ing drafts to clients at each stage before send­ing a phys­i­cal proof when the design is finished.

Find out more and see the lat­est bespoke wed­ding sta­tionery designs

Offi­cial web­site:

Artemis Sta­tionery now has its very own ded­i­cated page on the Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog. Find out more: bespoke wed­ding sta­tionery by Artemis Sta­tionery (and remem­ber to book­mark the page as a quick link to order­ing your wed­ding invi­ta­tions when the time comes!)

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