Just launched a new podcast Ransom, you can listen and get links to subscribe at https://ransompodcast.com or listen to the first episode here:

On September 12th, 1995, McKay’s father, Carl, returned home from an Amway meeting to find the door ajar and his 12-year-old son, McKay, missing.
The phone rang. A woman with a raspy voice said they’d kidnapped McKay and demanded $500,000. She said she’d call the next morning with details about how to pay the ransom.
But the ransom call never came.
This was just the first of many strange twists in the case, and the suspect that law enforcement ended up arresting shocked everyone.
But there are still many mysteries surrounding the case and McKay’s mother, Paulette, has doubts about the investigation, and decades later she still feels that justice was never served.
Of special interest to Neuroamer readers might be two psychological themes that the podcast touches on as it interviews doctors and explores the real-life manifestations of two poorly understood disorders: pathological gambling, and a very recent addition to the DSM prolonged grief disorder.
It’s hard to do this story justice in text, so please give it a listen: