Self Expression Magazine

New Office

By Kvlog101 @KVlog101
Over the past few weeks i have been sorting out a few things and i now have an office space in the house to escape to and to just work in when i need to sort out business stuff and to blog.
Here's a picture of my new office space:
New Office
I have needed a place to escape too recently as my main computer downstairs is in one of the busiest rooms in the house so my new office is my new work space for when the downstairs computer room is being used.
Maybe next year i might move the main computer up to the office once i have a new desk and got the rest of the room sorted out. plus i need to get the office wired up to connect to the Internet...
Have you seen my new time lapse video on you tube? if not here's the link below:
London time lapse 2012
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