Hello fellow lovers of delectable cakes, my name is John and I am the new intern at Family Cakes company. I think have a creative bone somewhere deep down in my body so I will try to harness it for this blog, bare with me. I am from the frozen tundra of Minnesota and worked in a kitchen the past 3 summers so the hustle, bustle and yelling makes me feel right at home. I go to St. John's University in Minnesota and I am studying Global Business so it is fun for me to be able to learn about business in another country while being here. I have been in London since September so I am ready for the new challenge that Family Cakes has presented me with. My first day has been confusing and has had my mind in a pretzel at times. Nonetheless, I can tell I'm going to like working at Family Cakes and Daniel a lot, his humor is right up my alley. I am excited to get to work here for the next 7 weeks and hopefully will be able to eat a cake or two!
Check me out in this hair net,