Lifestyle Magazine

New from Perdita’s Wedding Shoes This Week!

By Claire

Brand new! Rain­bow Couture’s new styles at Perdita’s Wed­ding Shoes

This week we were very excited to receive the new range of Rain­bow Cou­ture wed­ding shoes. In par­tic­u­lar we all loved the Desario and Orvi­etto styles which are cov­ered in beau­ti­ful crys­tals and would look stun­ning in any color. The amaz­ing detail­ing cre­ates sparkles in every light and when you dance the night away with your new hus­band your shoes will add that per­fect Cin­derella touch.

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Orvi­etto wed­ding shoe — Image sup­plied by Perdita’s Wed­ding Shoes

Rain­bow Cou­ture uses only the very best silks, satins and trims for their col­lec­tion and at prices start­ing at only £89 they won’t break the bank.

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Sasso bridal shoe — Image sup­plied by Perdita’s Wed­ding Shoes

We love dye­ing these cou­ture wed­ding shoes in our color stu­dio as when dyed the colours are so vibrant. Don’t worry about the trims and crys­tals as they are not affected by the dyes so will stay perfect.

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Pinto bag — Image sup­plied by Perdita’s Wed­ding Shoes

Sasso and Tomea are both ele­gant styles which have a beau­ti­ful match­ing bag to match which would be per­fect for mother of the bride. They are a lit­tle more expen­sive at £125 or £140 plus £85 for the bag but with our free dye­ing ser­vice on these items sav­ing you £40 on dye­ing ser­vices we can per­fectly match them to your dress or wed­ding theme. We can also dye them after the wed­ding to a more ser­vice­able color like black so you can wear them for many years to come.

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Tomea wed­ding shoe by Rain­bow Cou­ture — Image sup­plied by Perdita’s Wed­ding Shoes

Visit our web­site where you can also ben­e­fit from FREE UK delivery.

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