Books Magazine

New Cover for The Secret Diary!

By Mmeguillotine @MmeGuillotine

princess cover 2

One of the best things about self publishing is the fact that you can chop and change the appearance, content and, well, pretty much EVERYTHING about your book whenever you feel like it, which is rather nice.

Anyway, I got a bit bored with the cover for The Secret Diary of a Princess and decided that it was time for a bit of a change. What do you think? It’s a bit of a change to the last one and a MASSIVE change to the very first cover that I made when I first published this book back in 2010. In fact I feel a bit embarrassed when I remember that cover which, ironically, took significantly longer to make than the five minutes that the new one took me in Photoshop! Typical.

Anyway, The Secret Diary of a Princess is available from Amazon UK for £1.88 and Amazon US for $3.06.


‘Frothy, light hearted, gorgeous. The perfect summer read.’ Minette, my young adult novel of 17th century posh doom and intrigue is now £2.02 from Amazon UK and $2.99 from Amazon US.

Blood Sisters, my novel of posh doom and iniquity during the French Revolution is just a fiver (offer is UK only sorry!) right now! Just use the clicky box on my blog sidebar to order your copy!

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New Cover for The Secret Diary!
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