If someone you love has every had Alzheimer’s the link below is one you will want to read. I am the grandaughter of a feisty, sweet and loving grandmother. I remember her name. At the end, I do not think she did. Elizabeth. Most everyone called her Lizbeth. Daddy sometimes called her Lizzy. When she wasn’t listening, he’d say Lizard just to make me laugh.
I have retained these memories. Grandma did not. Like shaking a snowball, the snowflakes swirling around inside the globe of her mind. They are all mixed up and eventually they melt away.
The snowman shrinks slowly in the sun. Smaller and smaller. The brain empty of memories no longer needing the extra space.

Slowly it creeps up on you
Alzheimer’s is cruel.
Slowly it creeps upon you.
It stalks you.
You have been chosen.
You are completely unaware.
A victim.
Through the years, its grasp grows stronger.
The pieces begin to fall.
One by one.
Until the picture becomes blurred.

Aggravating in the beginning….
Where did I put my keys?
Slowly it progresses…
Did I take my pills?
Something is wrong with me. I am scared
What’s your name?
The pieces have fallen.
Too many are forever gone.
You stare at the mirror…
A single tear falls.
Inside you know what is happening.
Sometimes there are brief moments when pieces come back.
Like fog lifting up off the land, your memory is clear.
You try to grasp on.
Your hand slips.
The pieces fall.
The fog grows thick.
The memory is gone.
You stare at the mirror…
Who are you?
Renee Robinson

Missing Pieces