Diaries Magazine

New Blog to Do List

By Advsinwtloss @advsinwtloss
(Note: this does not include what has already been done)
This is so my readers can keep track of my progress towards the new blog. I will strike the items on the list when I am done with them.
In order...
  1. Switch over the "FAQ" (text only) and "25 Random Facts About Me" pages
  2. Export/Import all posts and comments From this blog to new blog.
  3. Finish linking all of the top links on the new blog ("Weight Watchers Posts", "Milestones",
    "Holidays" (might be changed to "Pictures"))
  4. Switch all blog post pictures from old Google account to new Google account and about me page
  5. Forward all Gmail to new blog's Gmail account.
  6. Delete current blog Google account (make sure new Blog's Google account is an Admin on both blogs so both blogs are kept and are editable)
  7. Buy a domain (can be done any time)
  8. Change my Twitter name (add to new blog's Gmail signature)
  9. Make a final post on "Wendy's Adventures in Weight Loss" with a link to the new blog. 
  10. Change Facebook page username and page name
  11. Debut new blog Sept 1 (subject to change)
  12. Register new blog on Networked Blogs and Blogarama
  13. Change blog address in my Weight Watchers signature and at Blog to Lose.
  14. Put new blog address in my Gmail signature.
  15. Change [email protected] in all places to new blog email address and then delete the advsinwtloss Gmail account too.

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