Health Magazine
When Your Eyes Have A Mind Of Their Own You move your eyes more than your heart beats. Vision problems often are one of the mysterious, unexplained symptoms people are plagued with long before their doctor knows what is wrong. While not as frequent as sensorineural hearing loss or balance issues a large percentage will suffer from some vision disturbance. Anisocoria, diplopia, nystagmus, dry eyes, or phantom images in your peripheral vision should all sound an alarm. An experienced ophthalmologist will recognize you may be exhibiting an early symptom of a neurodegenerative disorder and suggest neurology consult. Superficial Siderosis patients may have at least one of these symptoms, or they can be an overachiever like Gary. At one time he was experiencing every vision problem we just listed. Previously, Gary’s optometrist had diagnosed early dry macular degeneration in one eye; therefore, he always had regular screenings. I see an ophthalmologist,…