Friday's Cable Top 5
NBA Playoffs-ESPN 2.1/4.9NFL Draft-ESPN 1.3/3.1
NBA Playoffs-ESPN 1.2/3.2
NFL Draft-ESPN2 1.1/2.6
American Dad-Adult Swim .8/1.9
Sunday's Broadcast Top 5 Once Upon a Time-ABC 2.2/6.5
Family Guy-FOX 2.1/4.1The Amazing Race-CBS 1.7/7.4
The Simpsons-FOX 1.6/3.6
America's Funniest Home Videos-ABC 1.5/5.7
Sunday's Cable Top 5
Sunday's Top 5 Nielsen Twitter Ratings
Once Upon a Time Season Finale-ABC 148,000 Tweets
Revenge Season Finale-ABC 46,000 Tweets
Mad Men-AMC 27,000 Tweets
Cosmos-FOX 20,000 Tweets
Top 5 DVR'ed Shows for the week of 4/21/14-4/28/14
The Big Bang Theory-CBS From a 4.5 to a 6.6 (+47%)Blacklist-NBC From a 2.8 to a 4.9 (+75%)
Modern Family-ABC From a 3.5 to a 5.5 (+57%)
Grey's Anatomy-ABC From a 2.3 to a 3.9 (+70%)
Marvel Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.-ABC From a 1.9 to a 3.1 (+74%)
It's only the 2nd episode of 24 and Chloe's make-up is driving me nuts. I can't believe Jack hasn't made any comments about it. Then again, he is sorta busy. "Chloe, set up fake credentials for me to get into the embassy, get me a schematic, a new mobile phone, AND change your make-up" Of course technically she could do all that and track Simone through the London Tube system before a commercial break but she had some other things on her mind, like her dead husband and son. You know that Mark is going to piss off Audrey (and the President) enough so that she'll end up helping Jack when the time comes. So Catelyn Stark went from fighting for the good side and being the best Mom ever to fighting for the bad side and becoming the most twisted Mom ever. Now she has her kid screwing guys for intel, cutting herself and marrying an Al Qaida guy with a drinking problem who just may change sides. Simone's trying to keep him calm in her own special way, but I wonder what she'll do when she finds out that Mom's watching her ALL the time! Maybe she and her hubby will also jump over to team Jack and cut her Mom's head off. Oh wait...wrong show.
-I was lucky enough to go to the NBC Upfront yesterday. For some reason NBC decided to have it at the Javits Center. I'm guessing that it was cheaper than Radio City but who knows. The AC was working, so that was a plus. I got really close and sat in the same row as many of the celebs, so that was good. Only bummer. Getting there, parking and leaving. Thank goodness for Uber. Anyway…here's my overall thoughts of the morning:
- Seth Meyers was as equally perplexed as I was about the choice of venue
- Seth WAS funny
- Fred Armisen and the Studio 8G Band were good
- I liked Linda Yaccarino's dress and give her props for breaking out the white sandals before Memorial Day
- In 2 hours I was reminded that NBC has the Olympics through 2032 14 times
- In 2 hours I was reminded that NBC was number 1 in something 13 times
- NBC seemed obsessed with The Blacklist and will be airing it after the Superbowl on 2/1/15 and then on Thursday's after that.
- 4 cans or bottles were knocked on the floor by food service people during quiet moments of the presentation. You'd think after the first time it wouldn't happen again right?
- My FBFF Jimmy Fallon was there live and in person and did the "Most Likely To" bit from his show, but used NBC Talent, Execs and Media Buyers…funny stuff
- Bob Greenblatt likes referring to himself and having others refer to him as a "Ginger"
- NBC has no idea who's going to play Peter Pan next December was kinda hoping they'd know this and reveal it yesterday.
- The 40th Anniversary of SNL will air on 2/15/15. I'd start working on that soon if I were Lorne.
- Marry Me looks cute and stars Casey Wilson and that guy that's in everything but you never know where you know him from.
- Bad Judge with Kate Walsh-ehhhh
- Mysteries of Laura with Debra Messing-ehhhh (But she did lose a TON of weight since Smash!)
- Kimmy Schmidt with Ellie Kemper looks cute but I'm not sure how the premise can sustain itself but it does have Tina Fey and Robert Carlock to help figure that part out.
- Katherine Heigl's back and of all the shows NBC presented, hers looks the best.
- Constantine isn't for me at all but seems to match up with Grimm nicely. What does it need to be considered a success? A 1.1? Doable
- SNL Alumni either star in, write or produce most of the NBC Comedies and Late Night shows.
- Cupcakes were served as people who didn't get on buses tried to figure out how to leave the Javits Center.
MONDAY 8:00-9:00 PM GOTHAM (new) 9:00-10:00 PM SLEEPY HOLLOW TUESDAY 8:00-9:00 PM UTOPIA (new) 9:00-9:30 PM New Girl 9:30-10:00 PM The Mindy Project WEDNESDAY 8:00-9:00 PM HELL’S KITCHEN 9:00-10:00 PM RED BAND SOCIETY (new) THURSDAY 8:00-9:00 PM BONES 9:00-10:00 PM GRACEPOINT (new) FRIDAY 8:00-9:00 PM MASTERCHEF JUNIOR 9:00-10:00 PM UTOPIA (new) SATURDAY 7:00-10:30 PM FOX SPORTS SATURDAY: FOX COLLEGE FOOTBALL SUNDAY 7:00-7:30 PM NFL ON FOX 7:30-8:00 PM THE OT / BOB’S Burgers 8:00-8:30 PM THE Simpsons 8:30-9:00 PM BROOKLYN NINE-NINE 9:00-9:30 PM Family Guy 9:30-10:00 PM MULANEY (new)
-ABC's Upfront is this afternoon. I'll be attending that one. Hoping to meet some Goldbergs! While they're in town, the Modern Family crew is picking up the tab for all marriage licenses and weddings today, so go tie the knot on them! You have to go to the New York City Clerks Office to take advantage of the offer, but who cares? Just go and do it and if you do...let me know, send a photo or something. Obviously this is all leading up to the Modern Family 2 part season finale/wedding of Cam and Mitch. Good stunt guys.
Tuesday's Trivia Question: Judd Apatow was the creator of this show starring a Seth Rogan, Jay Baruchel and Charlie Hunnam. Name the Show
WWTM-Kristy Like me on Facebook at Watching Way Too Much
Follow me on Twitter at watchingwaytoomuch@tvnme http://watchingwaytoomuch.com [email protected]