Lifestyle Magazine

National Wedding Show — 20% off Tickets with English Wedding Blog!

By Claire

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Jan­u­ary Ticket Offer – 20% Off

Plan the day of your dreams at The National Wed­ding Show, Britain’s most loved wed­ding event.

Whether you’re dream­ing of a tra­di­tional fairy­tale wed­ding, seek­ing more of a cut­ting edge and con­tem­po­rary affair, or even plan­ning a des­ti­na­tion wed­ding, The National Wed­ding Show is the ulti­mate shop­ping des­ti­na­tion. With over 250 wed­ding experts spe­cial­is­ing in every­thing from stun­ning wed­ding gowns to show stop­ping flow­ers, charm­ing pho­tog­ra­phy to bespoke acces­sories and deli­cious cakes to dream hon­ey­moons, you are sure to find every­thing you need to plan your big day.

The National Wed­ding Show is run­ning a spe­cial offer of 20% off tick­ets. If you would like to take advan­tage of this offer for your read­ers please let us know and we will set up a unique code for you.

Spe­cial Offer

The National Wed­ding Show is offer­ing Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog read­ers a spe­cial offer of 20% off tick­ets. All you need to do is enter the code English13 when you book!

To book, visit or call the ticket hot­line on 0844 581 1404.
The offer will expire on 31st Jan­u­ary 2013. Offer can­not be used in con­junc­tion with any other dis­count or pro­mo­tion. No refunds will be offered on tick­ets already purchased.

Spring 2013 Dates for Diary: Lon­don Olympia: 22-24th Feb / NEC: 1st-3rd March

For more infor­ma­tion visit the National Wed­ding Show web­site

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