Silent Dreams
My dreams turned into reality this week
Profoundly exciting enough so to distract me from sleep
envisioning a life that I always dreamed
thinking it was impossible and the climb too steep
confidence exuding, such an encouraging leap
wounds healing fast, the scars no longer painfully deep
looking back on last week I cant remember how all this begins
But one thing I know I am proud of where I have been
drowning out rumors of my treacherous past
no longer afraid of doubt having it’s prevailing last laughs
my heart was torn in two apparently I only had half
the chains I carried are at last unlatched
debuting out of the shadows I have my cascading premiere
accomplishing so much with so much potential left this year
Today I received my 400th follower,I am currently at 415!
I started my blog just around two weeks ago tomorrow…I had no clue my blog would ever do this good so early on.
So this Poem I dedicate to my new friends and the people who follow my blog!
Thanks for taking precious time out of your day to digest my amateur Poems.
paralyzed for words that’s just something that means so much to me
I simply can’t explain it.
I hope you will forgive me and accept this Poem as a thank you!