Family Magazine

Name the Villian Winner, Dogs and Giveaways

By Kidfreeliving @kidfreeliving

For my “Name the Bar in Pineapple Land War contest (two contests ago, for those of you keeping track of my “thing naming” laziness) the winner, a lovely lady named Val, received a signed paperback copy of Pineapple Land War and was kind enough to send me a picture of her dogs, Autumn and Konk, checking it out!

(She noted that there is a cow on the cover and Konk is taste-testing.)

Name the Villian Winner, Dogs and Giveaways

And now…The Winner of the Name my Villain
in Kilty Conscience (Kilty #2) Contest!


Congrats JeanMP! I’ll be sending you a signed copy when it’s released in about a month!

How much fun was this! I liked having it in the comments so everyone could see the entries and play along. Rune just tied perfectly into something I was working on for future plot stuff.

And 10 winners of the ebook version – people who had names I had on the short list…(if you didn’t have a full name I added a piece of your email so you know it is you. “DewAnn” and “Montzalee” I’m guessing there are only one of you… 🙂

Kathleen Garley  | Molly (blutxcat) | Kim (brougher) | Norma (erazo49) | Montzalee | Allison A (Buzymom) | DewAnn Therrion | Andrea Hilton-Bartulla | cody smith-candelaria | Tanya (vines)

Thank you so much for your help as always!!

And just for you – this week TWO BIG GIVEAWAYS!


Name the Villian Winner, Dogs and Giveaways

And of course, my AXP giveaway – this week – HUMOR!

Name the Villian Winner, Dogs and Giveaways

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