A new and very attractive trend to ‘undress’ a traditional wedding cake has not only taken hold globally but it is one of the nicest innovations to hit the wedding scene. These alternatives to the traditionally iced wedding cakes look so good it could be hard to slice into them.
Using layers of sponge cake of every colour and taste with masses of fresh cream crammed in between then married to luscious fruits and other edible wonders, the layered cakes are doused and dusted in icing sugar or dribbled with creamy caramel. These natural un-iced wedding delights look delectable.

Source: Southboundbride.com
Naked wedding cakes are inspirational and the trend to choose them over the more traditional and formal cake is picking up pace all over the world. From America to Australia and lots of countries and continents in between, un-iced natural wedding cakes are being ordered for couples and their wedding guests to drool over at wedding receptions.
If you are planning a wedding next spring and would like the feel of your big day to be nice, informal and rustic, these attractive and delicious looking wedding delights could be the perfect option. Some of the cakes are decorated with flowers, fruit and even cactuses – there are simply visually gorgeous!
The cakes look amazing although a few traditionalist cake makers might not agree. One of the concerns voiced is that cakes will dry out too quickly because they’ve not been traditionally iced. The other worry is that any mishaps can’t be hidden away from prying eyes under a layer of traditional fondant icing. However, if you want to be inspired and keep up with trends, these lovely un-iced cakes really do make an impression.
Of course, trends change all the time, even though a traditional wedding and all the trimmings will always stand the tests of time. Years ago, a maid of honour would never have stood up to give a speech at a wedding reception, but today this is considered the norm. The great thing about trends is you have the choice to either be incredibly up-to-date and fashionable or stay with tradition – the choice is yours.

Source: Southboundbride.com
These ‘naked’ wedding cakes look too good to eat and with a choice of tropical or other fruits and other ‘off the wall’ cake decorations, a bride would be forgiven if she chose a cake like this at her wedding. After all it’s her big day as well as a time of celebration and these lovely naked wedding cakes say it all.