Current Magazine

Naked Man Wanders Out Of Forest, Interrupts TV News Interview

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

KARK-TV in Arkansas was in the middle of interviewing an elderly couple about a tree that fell during a storm and destroyed their house, when a naked man wandered out of a forest, interrupting the interview. The man was arrested, and the report indicated deputies believed he was on drugs.

3 Worse Places To Wander While Naked Than Into A Local TV Interview

1. The launch of the latest iPhone, which is expected to occur at an Apple event tomorrow. Not only will countless iPhones capture the moment in HD from every angle, but the live blogging tech community will post the images instantly online around the world, complete with snarky comments about the unexpected much-more-than-a-retina display.

Naked Man Wanders Out Of Forest, Interrupts TV News Interview

If you do wander into the woods naked, we suggest not wearing this fragrance.

2. A tree prior to a storm in Arkansas. Anyone who calls the local news when a tree damages their house, will be even more likely to call the news if a stoner is in the tree. Plus, you damaged someone’s house, which is never a popular move, and may lead to lawsuits in addition to criminal charges.

3. Anywhere in Quebec, Canada. Everyone will think you are just part of the hidden-camera prank TV show “Just For Laughs: Gags” where naked people wander everywhere from roadsides to convenience stores to elevators. As many Quebeckers may consider your nudity to be a prank, that means it will be even more difficult to get sincere directions to help you find your way to your clothes, even if you can speak French.

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