Hi everyone! I’ve come across some really beautiful nail art on Pinterest, Facebook and Tumblr that I wanted to share with you guys. Hopefully you’ll feel inspired and draw some ideas from some of these! I personally am not that great at nail art but I know a lot of people who are into it and I also just get incredibly amazed by how much talent it takes to do them! Let me know which one is your favourite, what sort of nail polish colours you guys usually use and whether you like doing nail art or not! I’d love to know. =)
R o s e s

S h a d e s o f P i n k

C o n f e t t i S t y l e

B l a c k & G o l d

S t a r s

P a s t e l R a i n b o w

G l i t t e r F r e n c h

I hope you all enjoyed this post! Hehe I haven’t done much on nail polish before but I definitely will be doing some NOTDs and reviews on some in my collection soon! I know that I haven’t done some reviews in awhile but I really want to get back on track with them! ♡