Family Magazine

Mystery of the Missing Sock Solved

By Kidfreeliving @kidfreeliving

Missing sockThe Missing Sock: Where does it go?

I don’t know about you, but I can never find matching socks. The other day I was all ready to go on a walk with the dog, excited to finally get to wear my new Nike kicks, I open my drawer, and bam! It’s a singles group. The socks are in there speed dating.  It’s Which come to think of it, would be an awesome parody site.

There are times when I have one of nearly ten pairs of socks. Where does the missing sock go?

The Missing Sock Detective

So, like anyone, I hired a Missing Sock Detective who brought me back the following disturbing video. This movie is not for the fainthearted. Largely because I didn’t clean my house or my car or my socks before it was filmed.

I’m not sure why Missing Sock Detective only does surveillance with Vine videos, but he took a fifth of vodka for payment, so I can’t complain. And he had an arty way of including title cards. Poor bastard probably used to be some sort of artist/director/blogger/writer/actor, which explains why he didn’t mind working for nothing.

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