Self Expression Magazine

My Youtube Plans

By Kvlog101 @KVlog101
I have not done any work on my you tube channel until a few weeks ago as i have had several projects that have taken over my time for the past few months but now i am going to start making small time lapse videos for my channel. Don't expect anything to too spectacular as i my camera equipment is limited but i am going to try to make a video at least every two weeks...
I have been watching some great time lapse videos online and i am wanting to make something as good as them or better if i can... But to be honest there are not a whole lot of great places to time lapse in my home town so i have started to plan a few places to visit next year and by then i hope to have a better camera...
One thing i have come to realize is that when you have spent time in a creative space such as a university it makes you always want to create and learn more to keep your mind active and to keep your skills sharp this is one of many reasons why i set up a web design company with a friend and also do a lot of graphic design and other design work, the funny thing i have also come to realize is that after spending 5 years of study for technical theater and stage management i have learnt a lot more about myself and about how my skills learnt at university can be applied to everyday situations and work sectors.
I could have started you tube along time ago but in my time at university and the last few months i have found that it is only now that i have found a hobby in time lapse photography and learning more about photography in general...  I think the ultimate point of this post is trying to say  is
Learning is a process and as we journey through life we go from project to project and create a catalog of work so we can look back in years to come and see our achievements in life and ultimately you tube is a platform for creative people to express their work.
I hope you subscribe to my you tube channel and support my videos as much as you have supported this blog.
Thank you for reading and supporting my blog 

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