I've had a pretty hectic week this past week. Hence why this post now reaches you on Tuesday, as opposed to Monday. I'm sure you'll let me off when you learn that I graduated from university yesterday! But more on that later.
Last Monday, I decided to be proactive in my attempt to save up some money. The past few months I've put a lot of money into myself and my blog, buying products from places I've desperately wanted to try, in order to review. I also bought a gym membership, and paid off a few little breaks. This week I opened a depop store , in order to sell all of my old clothes that I either no longer wear, or have never worn. I made my first sale within the first 24 hours of opening! Yey!
On Tuesday this week, I had a mild hair emergency when I realised that my graduation day was looming and I still had very pink hair. (Looking back this was probably not an issue as there were girls there with red, dyed orange, and bright green hair... but whatever). Anyway, I managed to persuade my sister to give it a quick bleach. The ends went a gorgeous white/silver, but the dark pink on my roots turned orange, and yellow. However, on my little trip to Leeds this week, I picked up a little bottle of platinum hair dye from Pulp, as well as a huge bottle of purple shampoo, and John Freida's Sheer Blonde Go Blonder Lightening Spray; which added together, worked absolute wonders.
As mentioned before, this week myself and Troy made the impromptu decision to drive down to Leeds for the day, as detailed in my last post.
On Wednesday, I received THE most amazing surprise email ever; the chance for me to book a cabin on Holy Ship 2015! I've been dying to go to this festival, especially after how amazing it looked last year. I immediately signed up for a prebook code, which I received via email the next day with a time and date in which to book. Unfortunately, I was at work when the code went live, but left it in the capable hands of Troy, who booked up a category 9 cabin on the February cruise! I AM SO EXCITED!
In equally amazing news, my Global Gathering tickets arrived this week. This is my birthday present to my sister. I essentially wanted to go, and couldn't find anyone to join me. However, it was upon booking, I realised that my sister was turning 18 this year, a month before the festival. (Which is crazy because I still pretty much see her as a 12 year old). We went to Leeds Festival together last year and had an amazing time, so I decided to treat her to another weekend of music and camping, and this time alcohol, and of course, me.
On Sunday, Troy and I decided to check out a place in Doxford in Sunderland for a carvery; Oak Tree Farm. As you can see in the pictures, the serving sizes were unreal, and the food was gorgeous. The pale is also famed for its giant desserts; also pictured. Needless to say, this is where the health kick began. My last supper, so to speak.
Finally, I probably shouldn't count this as part of last week's review, but what the hell. Yesterday, I graduated from the University of Sunderland with my degree in BA (Hons) Film & Media. It was an incredibly proud day, and while I am still kicking myself for not doing my absolute best towards the end of last semester, I am still very very proud of all my friends, not only from the media department, but everyone who is graduating this week. Well done, class of 2014!

Tuesday 8 July 2014, 12:51pm