Today, I thought I'd take the chance to introduce a new weekly segment to my blog, "My week in photos."
I'm a big fan of Instagram, and I love taking photos, editing and sharing them in that way. So this week I decided to compile some of the photos I've taken out and about, to generally give you more of a sense of my life. Enjoy!
1. I decided this week to give in to the new craze sweeping the children of the North East; Loom Bands. I had a lot of fun messing around with them, and while I haven't had a look around at any other methods, I still managed to make the entire pack into little bracelets! I'm a firm believer that it's important to keep a hold of your inner child.
2. On Tuesday this week, I was invited to attend the wrap party for a few of my friends at Digital Arcadia, in celebration of them finishing their dissertation film project; 403 Forbidden. The party was held in one of my local bars, Bar 44, where they filmed one of the scenes of their episode 24/7. It was an amazing night, with an incredible turn out for a Tuesday evening, and there wasn't a dry eye in the house when director, Connor, got up on stage to thank everyone for their contributions!
Their web series is available to watch at 403forbidden.tv, and at the risk of sounding incredibly biased, it is absolutely fantastic.
3. I've been looking for a place to turn my Instagram photos into prints for quite some time now, and this week I found the perfect place. lets you upload 12, 24, or 48 photos to their site in order to be made into polaroid style prints for as little as £6. Naturally, I went overboard and made three separate orders, and this week I intend to cover my wall in them! There'll be a more detailed post about that coming in the near future, hopefully.
4. Finally, on Sunday this week I took part in the CHUF Heart & Sole 10K race in aid of the Children's Heart Unit at the Freeman Hospital in Newcastle. It was incredibly difficult, but incredibly rewarding experience nonetheless, and it felt amazing to be able to give back to the ward that works so hard in our local area, and is responsible for so many lives being saved! I've also written a more detailed account of the day, including all of the photos I took, .

Monday 16 June 2014, 1:59pm