Thank you all so much for the amazing support and comments on my previous health and fitness journey post. I was really overwhelmed by how much you all said it was inspiring and motivating, and that was exactly what I was aiming to do! Also, I’d like to thank Talking About Beauty for requesting to see this post! I thought it would be a great idea because it’s the perfect follow-up from my previous post. =) I believe in eating a well balanced and nutritious diet that incorporates all three macronutrients – carbohydrates, proteins and fats as well as . I don’t believe in deprivation of any of those and although eating junk food is definitely 100% fine in moderation, I don’t get cravings to eat them so I only will on special occasions such as birthdays (where there will be cake hehe, and I don’t want to be rude rejecting a slice)!
B r e a k f a s t
My breakfast is the absolute same every single day. To me, oatmeal is like dessert and I actually look forward to waking up just so I can eat it LOL. My oatmeal consists of:
♡ ½ cup of rolled oats
♡ ¾ cup of skim milk
♡ 1 tsp of chia seeds
♡ ½ tbsp of honey
♡ 1 sliced banana
It is really simple and quick to prepare in the mornings. I just add the milk into the oatmeal in a bowl and put it in the microwave for 2 minutes then add the rest of the ingredients. Of course, it can be cooked on a stovetop but I find that it adds time to the whole process and there would be more washing up to do! I really dislike my oatmeal in a porridge texture because I like a bit of crunch so I never buy quick oats or anything like that!
L u n c h
For lunch, I will usually have leftovers from the night before but if I don’t then I will grab something quick on campus or I really enjoy buying SumoSalads if I’m eating locally on-the-go.
♡ Meat and vegetables from dinner the night before
♡ Campus food (typically a sourdough quinoa grain long roll with ham, fennel, sundried tomatoes and some cheese)
♡ SumoSalad (I always get a medium mix of two different salads. My favorite combination is the free range pesto chicken and fresh avocado with the sweet roasted pumpkin and chickpea leafy salads)
S n a c k s
Snacking is where I mostly get my fats in for the day. I’m usually very hungry when I get home from university at around 4:00pm so I always want to eat something. Depending on how much energy I will need in the evening (if I’m running or going to the gym), I will eat more or less but my typical go-to snacks are:
♡ Unsalted peanuts
♡ Unsalted roasted almonds
♡ Pitted dates
♡ Fresh fruit (usually an apple, peach or a plum)
♡ Freshly pressed green juices (once a week my Mum likes to prepare green juices that contain kale, apples, carrots, pears and sometimes grapes for added sweetness)
➳ Tip: If you’re a big snacker like me, a good way to prevent overeating is to not eat straight out of the packet. Take a handful and put it into another bowl or plate and walk away! It means you’ll just be eating only what’s there and won’t be excessively eating.
D i n n e r
In my household, dinner varies every single day but it will typically consist of a main carbohydrate and then a selection of meats and vegetables. Once or twice a week, we go outside traditional Chinese meals and we will have steak with vegetables and pasta. A typical dinner for me consists of:
♡ Brown rice
♡ Meat (either chicken breast or red meats such as beef, lamb or even pork)
♡ Vegetables (varies everyday but my top favourites are spinach, sweet potato and broccoli)
♡ Freshly squeezed orange juice
P o s t – D i n n e r
Depending on how late I eat dinner (I usually eat at 7:00pm), I will have something else to eat at around 9:00pm. I know people say that you shouldn’t eat after a certain time but I haven’t had an issue with this at all and I think as long as you’re not having another whole entire meal then it is perfectly fine!
♡ Low fat vanilla yoghurt with a handful of frozen berries along with fresh strawberries and blueberries (sometimes a bit of mango too)
♡ Freshly brewed green tea (my favorite is organic Japanese matcha green tea powder)
➳ Tip: Greek yoghurt is probably one of the best choices for yoghurt but I don’t enjoy the taste of it so I opt for yoghurts that have the least amount of sugar in my supermarket aisle. Don’t fall into the ‘low fat’ trap – remember to always read the nutrition label to make sure the fat isn’t just completely replaced with sugars!
I hope you all enjoyed reading about what I typically eat everyday. I’m someone who doesn’t mind not having variety. If I like the taste of something, I can eat it all day everyday! =)