Well, here we are again. It’s spring and we basically skipped winter. Although I’m feeling a little jipped that we didn’t have a blowout, hunker-down snow storm this year and we only got a few days of skiing in, I’ve finally accepted that spring is here. The season is young and I’m feverishly trying to get in shape for an excellent mountain biking season. With all of this extra sunlight and warm weather, however, I’ve found some new springtime favorites.1. Bon Appetit’s parsley, kale and berry smoothieThis is the perfect way to eat your greens without tasting them. Parsley is a natural anti-inflammatory and can help improve all sorts of ailments.2. CXWORX core workoutThis is a new 30-minute core training class from Les Mills. This class is super-intense and will have you ready for a bathing suit in no time. I’m loving the 30 minute format too. I catch my classes at Lynne Brick’s Belvedere.3. Neti pot Hello, allergies. They’re here if you haven’t noticed. To prevent those pesky morning sinus headaches, I use my neti pot every night with 1/4 tsp salt and 1/4 tsp baking soda (this prevents the salt from burning). I know it’s gross, but it works.4. Goldfish crouton saladThis one is really for the kids, but I like them too. I am one of those moms that doesn’t usually buy the “real” version of certain snack foods to avoid some of those pesky, unhealthy ingredients. After much negotiating from my kids I broke down and bought “real” goldfish, not the bunnies masquerading as goldfish, because I realized they weren’t that bad.Put the goldfish on top of a salad with ranch dressing and you might be surprised how many salads your kids eat.5. The perfect water bottleI have found the Holy Grail of water bottles. This bottle is glass, which is the absolute safest material for preventing unnecessary leaching into your drink. You can use it for hot and cold beverages and it's dishwasher safe. Just don't break it; it's not cheap!Happy spring.