Hi internet,
Today I am going to be discussing Scottish Independence and the mains reasons for why I am so adamantly against it and a few of the many points that frustrate me about the Referendum.
I'm not going to do the usual jargon of statistics and figures etc.. I'm just going to go on a few of my main reasons for why I think it would be the worst decision Scotland could ever make. I also promise to try and be as non-derogatory as possible towards those in favor of independence…. Try.
My first point is that I want to stay a part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. I'm not sure if many people actually know this, but we are in fact the LAST United Kingdom in the entire world. This isn't just some name that we decided we wanted to call ourselves, in order to be a United Kingdom there are several criteria that need to be met. I just don't understand why anyone would want to separate from this and ruin it. It's almost magical, you walk about and see essences of our monarchs rule throughout our country, from the obvious such a Balmoral castle to the more subtle markings on our local red post boxes. If we leave the UK, not based on that toilet paper report scum bag Salmond recently published where he went against everything he had said, then we will no longer have the Monarchy ruling us and we won't be part of a Kingdom anymore. This for me, would just be deeply saddening.
'Why should Westminster decide what we do with ourselves and our money?' This argument as to why people want to go independent literally drives me insane. Have you not heard of proportional representation of parliament you ignorant, uneducated morons?!
Another point that I just can't quite get my head around is why 16 year olds have been given the vote in this election. I have a few reasons for this. Firstly the most obvious point that you aren't allowed to vote in the General Election of the Government at 16, so why on a matter that in all honesty is of FAR greater importance has the government suddenly deemed 16 year olds mature enough to partake?! I know a lot of people in my year at school when they were 16 who would literally vote identical to their friends, for the sole reason of fitting in. Never mind if they happen to watch Braveheart the week before the referendum.
You only have to have lived in Scotland for 2 years to vote?! What is that all about. I don't understand how a student from abroad who has no family from Scotland or any real ties to Scotland except that it's their place of study can have the vote, yet someone who lived in Scotland their whole lives but moved down South for work can't. Yes these people do no longer live in Scotland, but majority of them still consider it their home and many have intentions to retire there. What happens to them if we get independence, will they need to get a passport to go back to the town they were born and raised in all because they didn't get a say in the fate of their home country?! As far as I'm concerned the whole of Great Britain should get a vote on the referendum, as it's not just going to affect Scotland and Scotland alone if it goes independent.
My final point is the fact of how much tension it has caused in all areas of society. It's not only greatly increased tensions between Scotland and England it has also caused tensions within Scotland itself. I know from personal experience that when meeting someone as soon as the topic is brought up, if there is conflicting opinions on the matter the conversation that follows is anything but a friendly one. This is just not needed. We have been united for so long and we are doing great. I just don't see the point in this day and age to bring this matter up and cause such divide in what I consider to be one of the greatest most proud nations of the world.
Well, this is all I am going to say on this matter. I have missed out a lot of points that I usually discuss but I don't want to ramble and rant on too long and bore you. I hope you have enjoyed reading this and agree with my points.
Feel free to comment below and let me know what you think!