Society Magazine

My Previous Reports of the Early Demise of Blogger-journo Charly Kasereka Were Greatly Exaggerated

Posted on the 04 December 2012 by Aengw @alexengwete

My previous reports of the early demise of blogger-journo Charly Kasereka were greatly exaggerated

(PHOTO: An M23 goon about to carjack a Land Rover Defender belonging
to the Congolese social security administration, one among the more
than 300 official and private vehicles carjacked by his fellow looters
at Goma)


Blogger-journo Chaly Kasereka of the blog Actu du Kivu has finally
resurfaced in the aftermath of the 12-day occupation of Goma by the
M23 outfit of pillagers and mass murderers.

I first saw Kasereka at around midday Tuesday, December 4, commenting
on the French news channel France24 on the events at Kibumba--where he
was an embed with FARDC troops--and Goma.

Having seen action on the theater of military operation, Kasereka is
arguably the first genuine Congolese war reporter.

His TV appearance prompted me to check on his blog. And sure enough,
he had published a new post dated December 3, after a hiatus of
slightly more than two weeks--with dramatic pictures and a YouTube
video of the withdrawal of the M23 posses from Goma, which they still

I'm just glad my previous reports of his early demise were greatly exaggerated.

PHOTO CREDITS: Charly Kasereka

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