Today's post, I am posting what I want to see for this blog in 2014. I have two other holiday greetings coming up this week, but the rest will be taking off until the New Year! I will still check comments and emails though, so keep them coming! I will also still post any Allergy Alerts that I find in my email or the web. I won't leave you all hanging like that!
My 5 main goals for Purple Hair Lady in 2014 (Jan-Mar)
Goal #1: Consistency. This was pointed out to me by my blogging buddy, Donna. HI DONNA! She is helping me behind the scenes to get this blog going and make it the best there is. She was right too. When I started out, I wasn't very consistent. That is going to change in 2014! I practiced this the last couple of weeks too and I think I got a lot better. I am getting into a blogging groove that I love and can work with, even with all my real life things I have to get done.
To start, I will be posting every Monday - Thursday and then once on Saturday. It seems to be working well for me so far so I am sticking to it. Thank you, Donna for helping me get on track! I am also thinking of making Friday a link sharing day. Have an allergy link? I'll post it that day. If I see a link that I find helpful, I'll post it then too.
Goal #2: An Allergy SidebarI ran this by Donna also and she likes the idea. But with the holidays, I haven't had time to sit down and plan it out fully. One of the first things that will happen in 2014 is that you will see a new sidebar (on the left-hand side of the page) with links to allergies. I did one week on corn allergies. So the sidebar will have a link to a page with all the links I have for corn allergies. Every allergy I cover will start going over there. And I'll have a link for "a wall of links" that will have links we find helpful. I am still working out the logistics on this.
Goal #3: Hoping for a give away or two!
I love give away contests and I LOVE giving people prizes! This may not happen right away though. But I want to encourage people to interact with the blog and what better way than giving away free stuff in contests? I can't think of a better way! I would like to do a give away a month, but I will definitely have to plan for that one. I am currently in the brainstorming process of this goal. I am looking for prize ideas, what people should do for the prize, and maybe a special place on the blog for the winners? LOTS of work ahead of me on this one!
Goal #4: Work on the Facebook page more
I also need to be a little more active on the Facebook page! I am going to get a few friends to help me on this too. Because I am only one person, I can't do it all, even though my kids think so LOL. That way all of you will have a place to go and chat about allergies, or just random every day life. I want it to be a place to interact a little more. That was my plan when I started it. I need to keep up on that plan, but I also have a side job cleaning houses and I need to work on the blogs and not play on Facebook all day (as much as I love to LOL)
Goal #5: Start a vlog... for Purple Hair Lady
I am writing this one down to make me more accountable to this goal. You all can poke me in the sides if I don't do it. I have had a few requests for video blogs to go with this blog. Something like a YouTube channel. I am nervous about this one, I won't even try to lie about how nervous I am! I am missing teeth, I get nervous being taped, I am scared of putting myself out there on YouTube... but I am going to do it anyway!
I will probably only be able to do one a week to start, but I think that will be helpful. I love going to blogs that have a YouTube channel, so mine should too! I know if it's something I look for, then other people look for it too. SO *deep breath!* I am going to work on getting a vlog going to go hand in hand with this blog.
What do you want to see in this blog?