The Maybelline Story was published in Poland as some of you might already know. I have done two interviews in Polish news magazines since the book came out and recently was asked to do my third exclusive interview for News Prestige Bag! Here are the links in Polish and English versions. I am very open and honest in this interview, which some may like and others may not, but, No matter what I hope you enjoy it and if you haven't read my book, order it from my new website, Sharrie Williams Author. Polish: Be sure to drop by my hilarious 1964 high school diary blog, called Saffrons Rule, at
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Original Maybelline Christmas Card 1952.
THE MAYBELLINE STORY : Miss Maybelline, the Pied Piper and Hobby the Clow...
Miss Maybelline, the Pied Piper and Hobby the Clown on The Coroner's Report Podcast. A True Crime 6 Episode Series.
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