Lifestyle Magazine

My Most Memorable & MESSY Diaper Moment to Date!

By Verybusymama @verybusymama
This is part of a sponsored campaign withLatina Bloggers ConnectandHuggies®. Babies R’ Us has provided me with a $50 gift card to supply to one reader for a giveaway. I have been financially compensated to provide my opinion and review of the products. Even though I received compensation for this post, I always give my honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on the products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.  I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission Guidelines, 16 C.F.R Part 255.

Huggies wants to know my most memorable diaper moment — brace yourselves, it's going to get "yusky" as my 4 year old says.
You don't need to know Spanish to know what that is.
As a mamá of a nearly 5 month old, caca is just part of my everyday life — caca on my hands, under my fingernails, the lingering smell in her room and all those "I JUST changed you and you pooped again" moments all parents experience. There is no shortage of diaper and caca moments here!
The most memorable and funniest diaper/poop moment happened just a few weeks ago. I was changing Little L and M (who is 4 1/2 years old) was standing on this toy box watching. He is absolutely fascinated with all things caca and pipí and he likes to help by handing me the wipes, then the cream and finally the diaper.
That day Little L had a FULL load. You know, those that you think "how can someone so little do something SO big?!" It was...GROSS. It was half way up her belly and up her back. I pulled back the diaper and M and I both said "Ewwwww" at the same time.
My most memorable & MESSY diaper moment to date!

My most memorable & MESSY diaper moment to date!

How can someone so little and so cute make such a mess?!

We started laughing and I quickly started wiping her to get her in the bath. I wiped and wiped and wiped. Got more wipes, but nada! It was all over the place. She was kicking her legs, trying to move around and well, the caca kept spreading! I went to reach for a towel when M screams "¡Mira! MAS caca mami!" And started laughing and panicking at the same time.
And sure enough she was going...again. And it wouldn't stop, it was like a one of those play dough machines. We managed to get her to the bath where she still did more — it was unbelievable! And through the panic and the mess, she was happy, smiling and even laughing watching us scramble to avoid the caca.
After that, she had a nice long nap. I on the other had laundry to do, a room to sanitize and I ended up taking a hot shower because the smell would not go away.
Now I can laugh about it — that day, not so much. Sometimes the messes are unavoidable but it's important to have good diapers to prevent leakage and Huggies Snug & Dry have new SureFit design that provides up to 12 hours of protection (and you can also wear rubber gloves) so make sure to put those on your essentials list!
Babies R Us has given me one $50 giftcard to give away to one reader — it's their way of encouraging us through those unforgettable and sometimes super messy diaper moments!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
¡Buena suerte!

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