My beautiful morning snarl
EGADS! What happened to your face?
This my friends, is called angioedema. In case you aren't aware of this wonderful torture that some people live through, it's kind of like hives. From our friends at wikipedia, it is defined as:"... the rapid swelling (edema) of the dermis,subcutaneous tissue,[1]mucosa and submucosal tissues."If you don't have this, GOOD! You don't want it!
How long have you had angioedema?
I was first diagnosed at 9 years old. After going to the ER (A&E) for a swollen lip, chin, tongue, and neck after a long hot bath, and after CPS was satisfied that my mom didn't clock me in jaw, a doctor came in and said "Oh! That's angioedema." Although, back then, 29 years ago, it was referred to as Angioneurotic edema because they thought it had something to do with the nerves.How do you treat it?
Usually, I treat it with Diphenhydramine (AKA Benadryl). I buy bottles of 1000 Capsules of 50 mg in each capsule from Amazon. They also have smaller bottles of 100 capsules as well. These bottles of diphenhydramine are CORN FREE (which is why I buy them instead of not regular name brand Benadryl.)Also, if my angioedema reaction is bad enough, I have an epipen that keep on me at all times in an Epipen holder. They even have some pretty cute ones for kids. Mine is by AllerMates and is actually for kids, but I am a kid at heart LOL.